ways to accidentally get your mortgage denied

8 Ways to Accidentally Get Your Mortgage Denied

Even independent mortgage lenders may need to deny your loan because of these common mistakes.   One of the smartest things you can do when you’re looking to buy a new home is to get pre-approved for a mortgage. Both banks and independent mortgage lenders issue pre-approvals. Zachery Adam with GoPrime Mortgage in West Asheville strongly encourages…

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How to Get a Lower Interest Rate for Your Mortgage

How to Get a Lower Interest Rate for Your Mortgage If your budget is stretched to the breaking point, you’re not alone. Interest rates and home prices seem to rise constantly, leaving many homebuyers searching for ways to cut costs. To stretch your hard-earned funds, take steps to get a lower mortgage interest rate, which…

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Credit Score Information and Strategies

Credit Score Information and Strategies for Improvement  Your credit score measures your financial health. When applying for any loan, especially a mortgage, your credit score is reviewed, and a determination is made. A score of 620 or higher is the current industry standard for a conventional mortgage. If you want to know how credit scores…

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Credit Repair

Credit Repair

A Conversation with Dale Marco of Best Credit Rx Credit Repair At GoPrime Mortgage of West Asheville, we want everyone to have a fair chance at buying a home. That means if you need credit repair before you can get approved for a mortgage, we want you to get all the assistance available to you.…

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Bad Credit No Shame

Bad Credit No Shame

Bad Credit? No Shame. 2020 has been a tough year. COVID-19 has impacted everything from our healthcare system to our economy. It’s not surprising that due to high unemployment, many people are struggling right now to get debt under control. We see it all the time. People don’t think they can ever get into their…

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Credit Scores

Credit Scores

Changes in Credit Scores: Is it Truly Scary? Are The Changes in Credit Scores Really Spooky? How Not to Let Them Haunt Your Home Buying Experience Boo! Did we scare you? Hopefully not, we’re just having a little Halloween fun. But there are some things going on in the financial market right now that could…

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Got Credit?

Tips to build your credit history so you can own your own home Having no credit is as bad as and sometimes even worse than having poor credit. When you don’t have any records with one of the major credit reporting agencies, then creditors really don’t have anything to base their trust upon. In the…

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Minimum Payment Horrors

Minimum Payment and how it affects your mortgage payment Everyone knows that good credit translates into the best interest rates on loans and financing. That’s why it’s smart to do what you can to increase your credit rating — to 730 or higher, if possible — before buying a new home. You’ll end up with…

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Does Credit Repair Really Work?

Does Credit Repair Really Work? The higher your credit score, the easier you can get a loan. Your credit rating doesn’t run your life, although it can ruin it. Normally, you don’t experience any day-to-day consequences of your financial health, so it’s hard to even believe that it matters at all. But your credit score…

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