Asheville’s Hidden Homeless

Asheville’s Hidden Homeless

Asheville’s Hidden Homeless  We have long been involved in the work here in Asheville to reduce chronic homelessness. We have partnered with Homeward Bound of WNC and, specifically, the REACH fund so individuals experiencing homelessness can get the resources they need. But there is another side to homelessness that our community may not always see.…

Celebrate Winter in WNC

Celebrate Winter in WNC

Celebrate Winter in WNC Winter in WNC – Asheville is a fantasy land. It may only snow once or twice in the season, but when it does, the city is transformed. Snow-covered hills limit traffic and give adults and kids alike a well-deserved snow day. How can you enjoy the winter here in Western North…

Thanksgiving Recipes

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes to Celebrate with Friends and Family I love Thanksgiving, as you know, but I also have a personal commitment to mindful and healthy eating. It may seem hard to combine those two things, but I’ve learned that Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be about excess. I spent some time this year thinking about…