Outdoor Space in Asheville

Outdoor Space in Asheville

Building and Using Outdoor Space in Asheville   While March heralds the beginning of spring in the South, winter weather can sneak in for a last hurrah any time before April. Now that we’re into the fourth month of the year, we are all itchy to be outside for much longer periods of time again. There are plenty of natural outdoor space in Asheville such as parks and trails,…

What is Mortgage Insurance and Do You Need It

What is Mortgage Insurance?

No April Fools: What is Mortgage Insurance and Do You Need It?    PMI. What is it and do you need it? PMI stands for Private Mortgage Insurance and the answer is “sometimes.” Before you get preapproved for a mortgage or make an offer on your next home, it may be helpful to better understand PMI and how…

Top 10 Questions About the Mortgage Process

Questions About Mortgages

Top 10 Questions About Mortgages  So many questions about mortgages! We understand. Buying a home is an intense process and whether its your first time or fifth time, there are a lot of things you need to know before you take the plunge. We have already collected a list of frequently asked questions on our website, but it never hurts…

Celebrate Spring by Saving Water

Saving Water

Saving Water: How to Reduce Your Water Consumption in Asheville  The current estimate for water use in the U.S. today is about 80 to 100 gallons of water daily.   Daily.   If you have a household of four people, that’s 400 gallons of water used each day! 2800 gallons per week. 12,000 per month. In areas affected by drought,…

Accessible Homes in Asheville: Disability and Aging in Place

Accessible Home in Asheville

Disability and Aging: How to Find an Accessible Home in Asheville   Choosing a home is an important step for your family no matter what stage of life you’re in. But when you need additional accommodations to live comfortably day to day, it can be a challenge to find a home that suits your needs. There…

Attorneys and CPAs: What is Their Role in Buying a Home?

Attorneys and CPAs

Attorneys and CPAs: What is Their Role in Buying a Home?  You already know that a mortgage lender and a real estate agent are essential parts of your homebuying team. But are there other professionals you should have in your court to ensure that everything is going smoothly for your purchase? There may be some unsung heroes in the…

How to Hire Contractors to Help with Your House

How to Hire Contractors

How to Hire Contractors to Help with Your House  Whether you’ve bought a home that needs a little work or you’re looking to sell your current property, you’re going to need contractors to help with the process. Electrical, plumbing, painting, landscaping, and so much more can be included on this list. How do you know whether you’re…

Should You Use Apps to Buy or Sell Your Home?

Apps to Buy or Sell your Home

Should You Use Apps to Buy or Sell Your Home?     While the team at Prime Mortgage Landing, Inc. wants to funnel all potential customers to our website as a resource, we also recognize the common usage of apps in today’s digitally connected world. We can be your complete resource for mortgages, we want our customers to understand how to safely use apps for all aspects of the home…

Planning for Retirement in Asheville

Retirement in Asheville NC

Planning for Retirement in Asheville   There is so much involved in planning for retirement. Not only do you need to make sure your finances are in place, but you may need to create provisions for long-term healthcare or assistance. While Asheville is a desirable city for those looking to enjoy their retirement, is this area also conducive to…

Short term rentals, such as AirBnB are becoming ubiquitous across the country.

Short Term Rentals

Short term rentals, such as AirBnB are becoming ubiquitous across the country. And the effects are certainly being seen in Asheville, both good and bad. But what do you need to know about short term rentals, how they impact a community, how legal they are in Asheville, and whether or not you want to become involved in…