Celebrating Black History in Asheville

Celebrating Black History in Asheville

Celebrating Black History in Asheville Every year since 1976, February has been designated Black History Month. Historian Carter G. Woodson and several notable African-Americans established the idea, and it’s grown in scale and shape over the years. In February, we can take time to learn about, acknowledge, and celebrate the importance of black history both…

Staying Safe and Healthy in Asheville with Outdoor Activities

Asheville with Outdoor Activities

Celebrate Valentine’s Day Outside If you celebrate Valentine’s Day with your partner or family, you are probably feeling a little down about the ongoing need for social distancing. But that doesn’t mean you have to ignore the holiday altogether. We are so lucky here in Asheville that we have plenty of opportunities to get outside.…

Get Your Home Ready to Sell in 2021

Get Your Home Ready to Sell in 2021

Get Your Home Ready to Sell in 2021 It’s a seller’s market right now. The trifecta of increased demand, low inventory, and great rates are coming together to create the perfect storm for sellers across the country, and especially in Asheville. If you’ve been thinking of putting your home on the market, now might be…

Investment Tools Trending Today

Investment Tools Trending Today

Investment Tools Trending Today The evolution of financial planning and investing is happening at breakneck speeds. Our parents’ investment tools, portfolios, and advisors are quickly replaced with online tools that almost gamify the process. So what investment tools are trending today? Here’s a look at six investment apps. Betterment Founded in 2010 because of the…

Refinancing: Don’t Wait, Learn More Now

Refinancing: Don’t Wait, Learn More Now

Refinancing: Don’t Wait, Learn More Now Every business has a primary focus and driving force. At GoPrime Mortgage of West Asheville, we focused on helping homebuyers finance their purchase. But we do offer other services as well, and one we’re asked about frequently is refinancing. Do we offer it? The answer is yes, and in…

New Year, New Goals

New Year, New Goals

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Celebrating Winter Solstice: Ending 2020 On a Positive Note

Celebrating Winter Solstice

Celebrating Winter Solstice: Ending 2020 On a Positive Note December 21st, or the winter solstice, is the shortest day of the year. It signals the return of the sun as the days get just a little longer. While the night of the solstice is long and dark, we know spring isn’t too far beyond. Cultures…