ready for winter

Preparing Your House for Winter

Fall is the most magical time in Asheville, so it may feel like cold winter weather is a long time off. Even though we might get a few random snowfalls throughout the season, we don’t have to deal with the constant battering of winter storms that northern states live with every year. That doesn’t mean Asheville homes shouldn’t prepare for the winter.…

fall around asheville

Where to See the Leaves this Fall Around Asheville

The southern Appalachian Mountains are known for their epic fall color, a phenomenon that draws thousands of people to the area. Some of the most incredible fall colors happen in our mountains, rivaled only by the states in the Northeast. Because our region has warmer overall temperatures and high elevations, our season can last longer than other parts of…

Literary History

The Literary History of Asheville

The Literary History of Asheville  Everyone knows about the beer in Western North Carolina. And people flock to our mountains to admire the leaves once fall rolls around. But, whether you’re new to Asheville or a life-long resident, you may not know the deep literary history of the city. Asheville Lit Tours is a small tour company that…

Affordable Initiatives

Affordable Housing Initiatives in Asheville

There is no doubt, Asheville is facing an affordable housing crisis. This is punctuated by the seemingly constant stream of hotels being built downtown and the massive numbers of vacation rentals available. But the city of Asheville is working on several affordable initiatives – housing. What are they and how can they benefit those looking to buy homes…

Back to School in Asheville

Back to School in Asheville   If you have kids, you have already felt the excitement surrounding the first day of school. Today, many Asheville-area students are returning to the. While you have already done your back-to-school shopping and preparation, there are certainly things that help busy families throughout the school year. Here’s your survival guide.   Healthy Balanced…