6 Ways We Can Protect Our Mountains
Did you know that the Appalachian Mountain chain is one of the oldest mountain formations on the planet? It is part of the same geological structure that also makes up some of the mountains in Ireland and the UK, including the Wicklow Mountains in Ireland and the Southern Highlands in Scotland. It’s no wonder that the Scottish and Irish people felt that they’d found home when they arrived in Western North Carolina. Though our mountains are ancient, they still need protection. With advanced technology like fracking making its way into the energy industry they are in danger now more than ever. As a member of the Asheville and greater WNC community, you may be wondering how you can help protect our mountains; here are six things you can start doing today.
Conservation Options
If you are lucky enough to own your very own piece of land in our gorgeous mountains, there are some things you can do to protect it. Conservation is a very particular process in terms of the law, which is why the Southern Appalachian Highland Conservancy works with landowners to determine their best possible options. Conservation easements and the donation of land are just two ways to be a steward of the earth in the WNC area.
Sustainable Living Ideas
Whether you live on several acres in the mountains or a small home in the city of Asheville, you may be looking into options for sustainable living. Being sustainable doesn’t have to mean going completely off-grid in a tiny cabin in the woods, there are plenty of ways you can incorporate sustainable habits into your regular life.
Some very simple changes to start with include:
- Keeping a reusable water bottle with you instead of buying bottled water.
- Bringing reusable shopping bags when you run errands instead of collecting plastic bags to throw away.
- Using natural cleaning products in your home instead of chemicals.
- Planting an edible garden in your yard and growing what you eat.
- Becoming a one car family or carpooling with others.
Changes to Make on an Individual Level
The list of items above are things you can do as an individual, but those are only a fraction of the ideas you can incorporate into your life to make an impact. For example, if you’re not already a vegan or vegetarian, consider reducing the amount of meat you consume. Meat production is expensive, so reducing your consumption will help you live more sustainably.
Especially here in Asheville, sustainability is closely tied to political action. Regardless of your affiliations or personal political beliefs, it’s important that you vote in every election so your voice is represented in our community.
Volunteer in the Community
At GoPrime in West Asheville, one of our core values is to promote community involvement through volunteering. There are ample opportunities here for you to volunteer your time to help clean up our environment and protect our mountain landscape. Check out programs held by Southern Appalachian Highland Conservancy to see what works for you.
Support the Southern Appalachian Highland Conservancy
If you’re unable to volunteer for any reason, consider supporting the SAHC through donations or participation. They frequently hold events at local venues like breweries and your participation in those activities directly benefit the work that SAHC is doing in our community.
Share Your Story
We want to hear your stories! Why did you choose to make WNC your home? Were you born and raised here? Did you stumble upon the area and feel a pull to put down roots? Do you feel connected to the Appalachian Mountains and the culture of the Asheville area? Tell us why you want to protect our mountains.
The team at GoPrime Mortgage in West Asheville is grateful every day that we wake up in this amazing landscape. We’re committed to ensuring our mountains have a future. Talk to us today about buying a home in the Southern Appalachians to establish your place here.